Encouraging Notes

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How are you coming along on your Christmas preparations? There is so much going on at Christmas time. Sometimes too much – right? It is easy to stress over decorations, getting gifts, preparing menus, cleaning the house for guests, and so on and so on. Sometimes the list seems endless. So, I guess the question is, are you ready for Christmas? 

I believe there is only one way to be confident that you are ready for Christmas. The best way to ready yourself to celebrate this Christmas is to be fully engaged in what Christmas is all about! Though decorations, gifts, guests, and food are beautiful things, those things represent only a small part of what Christmas is all about. 

Matthew 1:23 “The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” --which means, “God with us.” 

Oh, yes! Christmas is all about unity with the Creator of the universe! Christmas is about God being so passionate for you and me that he was willing to give his life so that we could be with him forever! You see, because of our sin, we were separated from God. Therefore, in his great love for us, God became sin for us so that in him, we could receive perfect standing with him and hence unity with him. 

2 Corinthians 5:21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us so that in him, we might become the righteousness of God!

With Christmas almost here, we are reminded of all that God has done! God was ready for Christmas! God came to give his life! He came as a baby and died as a man! He did it for you! Because of love, his life was not spared!

Just as God came to give his life away, so we must give our lives away to him! We must come as little children, willing to receive what he has done for us! There is nothing that you or I can do to deserve or earn God’s favor towards us. With the faith of a child, we must fully receive God’s provision for us. The most righteous thing you could ever do in God’s sight is to receive his amazing provision for your right standing with him through the blood of Jesus! 

Jesus was ready for Christmas. He gave his life away! As you go about getting prepared for this Christmas, I want to encourage you to take the time to focus on what it is really all about! Be assured; your focus is what will make all the difference for you this Christmas! Make up your mind now because busyness is knocking at your door. 

Just wondering… 


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