How dreadful it would be for a person to find out one day of how great a life day could’ve had, but didn’t because they lacked just one thing. What? Just one thing? Is this possible? The answer is yes! The Bible tells a story where this very thing happened. It reveals how a young man who seemingly had his whole life together missed God’s best for him because he lacked just one thing. Here is the story:

Luke 18:19-25 Once a religious leader asked Jesus this question: “Good Teacher, what should I do to inherit eternal life?”

19“Why do you call me good?” Jesus asked him. “Only God is truly good. 20But to answer your question, you know the commandments: ‘You must not commit adultery. You must not murder. You must not steal. You must not testify falsely. Honor your father and mother.’”

21The man replied, “I’ve obeyed all these commandments since I was young.”

22When Jesus heard his answer, he said, “There is still one thing you haven’t done. Sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

23But when the man heard this he became very sad, for he was very rich.

24When Jesus saw this, he said, “How hard it is for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God! 25In fact, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!”

What a horrible thing! He lacked just one thing! This young man forfeited God’s best for his life because of his wrong relationship with money! Is there anything that stands between you and God? Is God first in every area of your life, including your money? So this is where I stand – I am unwilling to live my life outside of God’s very best because of just one thing! I am determined not to allow anything to come between God and me! Nothing will be above God or be my answer to a rewarding and fulfilling life outside of God! Nothing will be allowed to separate me from God’s perfect plan being accomplished in my life!

Because I know that you feel the same as me, take a moment to pray this prayer with me today.

My Father and my God, in the name of Jesus, I want to declare to you today the I am unwilling to live my life like the rich young ruler, lacking "just one thing!" I resolutely choose this day not to allow anything of this world, including money, to be more important than you! I put you first in all things and gladly offer you anything you ask of me! You are Lord and master of my money, possessions, hopes and dreams, plans and strategies, marriage and family, affections and desires, and of my very life and breath! Yes! You alone are my Lord and my God! May your grace be upon me to live according to this prayer! In Jesus' name, Amen!

As you live your life committed to the truth of this prayer, you will indeed be protected from lacking…


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Arthur Wilder