I don’t know about you, but I have been having a rumbling going on inside of me. I feel like God is up to something big! The trauma that the world has been facing is not by accident! What the devil has planned for evil, God has intended for good! I feel like revival is knocking on our door! I believe we are heading into one of the most exciting times for Christians in the history of Christianity!

So, what do we need to be doing? I have often quoted TD Jakes, who said, “God propels those who are prepared for their purpose.” Yes! It is so important for us to be getting ready! 

Rom 13:11-13 And do this, understanding the present time. The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So. let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature.

Yes, we need to be clothed with our Lord Jesus Christ! What does it mean to be clothed with the Lord Jesus Christ? It means to live knowing that you are righteous in God’s eyes because of the sacrifice of Jesus! Oh, what a beautiful and wonderful place to live in! It is the secret place of the Most High, the life of walking by faith and not by sight, the life inside of the beautiful presence of God!

There are so many exciting things happening right now! People are more open to the good news of Jesus Christ than ever before! Chaos breeds opportunity! The chaos has opened the door for new ways to touch the world! Those who understand the ways of God are getting excited because they know our best is yet to come! Assuredly, this is a time when we must press in and take hold of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus! My, my, my – Don't you feel it?…


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Arthur Wilder