There are times when you are faced with trials, and everything seems to be going wrong. It is during these times that it takes extra faith to be thankful and walk in the joy of the Lord! It is during these times that what you truly believe is being tested, and the opportunity for real breakthrough is available! But to walk by faith and to be thankful in difficult times will require sacrifice, and this is where the rubber meets the road! If you are willing to die to how you feel and be thankful to God anyway, you will release the heavenly road crews to build a highway of blessing coming right to your door! Take a look:  

Ps 50:23 He who sacrifices thank offerings honors Me, and he prepares the way that I may show him the salvation of God. 

Someone once said, "Your attitude determines your altitude." I believe it is true! A life that is continually increasing is life that is empowered by ever-increasing thoughts. The best way to maximize your thought life to set your mind on God’s love for you! The more you know you are loved by God the more success you will have in every area of your life! Most people don’t go higher in life because they are afraid, but the word of God tells us perfect love casts out fear. 

1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 

Those who believe that because of the blood of Jesus they are loved and favored by God will be the ones who bring heaven to earth. They will be those through whom God will change the world! The truth is, your sins are paid for! God is in love with you, and it’s your time to experience the ever-increasing life of God’s empowering grace! A life that experiences more will be a life that grows in God’s grace and living by faith! Giving thanks when things are difficult truly honors God – it means you trust him! Is it easy? No! But… 


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Arthur Wilder