God’s greatest desire is that you would daily live your life experiencing his reality! The most wonderful thing you will ever experience is God himself! But how does a person experience him, you may ask? How do you tap into where he is? If you want to have a great life, you must go where Jesus was and is – God’s mansion! God’s mansion is where God lives and where you and I can also live! It is the place of God’s presence and his eternal life. Jesus lived and still lives in the presence of God! The only way for you and I to experience God’s eternal place of life is through Jesus! When Jesus was talking to his disciples, this is how he explained it… 

John 14:3-4   And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.  You know the way to the place where I am going.” 

Jesus was encouraging the disciples to go where he presently was, even though he was standing right there with them. He was speaking of a spiritual and eternal place that he lived in, i.e., the place where God is! The only way Jesus could help his disciples and us to tap into the place of God’s presence was to become the sacrifice to make it possible for us to be one again with God. 

Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6) 

The more you fully accept what Jesus did on the cross, the more you enter into the place where Jesus is and where the Father is also. What God has provided for you and me is outrageously amazing! There is nothing that you will do in all of your life that will bring you greater purpose, joy, and fulfillment than to surrender to the provision of your right standing with God through Jesus Christ!  

My dear partner in Christ, today is your day to go deeper! Will you rest today in God’s provision of righteousness for you through Jesus? I beg you to reject any and every way of trying to obtain God’s favor outside of merely trusting and resting in your genuine innocence before God because of the sacrifice of Jesus!  

Please don’t allow these words to only be an ideology that you know about – make it your reality! The absolute truth is that God is all around you and within you right now! The question is, will you believe it and truly step into it? This wonderful life that God has made available to you and I is available right now! Yes! This is how you… 


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Arthur Wilder