Encouraging Notes

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It’s during Jesus’ days on earth, there was a young ruler named Nicodemus, who was very wealthy. He came to Jesus one night to find out how he could obtain eternal life. In most people’s eyes, he would have been considered a perfect and honorable young man who was known to consistently obey the law. Everything was excellent about this young man except for one thing; he had something in his life that was more important to him than the God he claimed to serve. 

While they were talking, Jesus told Nicodemus the secret that would unlock the supernatural life that he was longing for. Jesus explained that he would have to give up the one thing that held power to keep him from the life of heaven. After Nicodemus heard Jesus’ words, he was distraught and left Jesus’ presence very sad. Is there anything that comes between you and God? Is there anything more important to you and your relationship with your Eternal Father? What makes you sad? Hopefully, not what made this guy sad! 

Mk 10:21-22 Jesus looked at him and loved him. “One thing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” At this, the man’s face fell. He went away sad because he had great wealth.

Nicodemus wanted to be a real disciple of Jesus but had one hang-up, money. Oh, how many people want to be genuine disciples of Jesus but are unwilling to give up what they think will give them fulfillment. The wealth that Nicodemus had was his god. He came to Jesus because he knew that his life was missing something. He knew that there was something that Jesus could offer him, but was unwilling to give up his worldly wealth to find out. 

How often it is that well-meaning people find themselves unhappy when they understand that the idols must go if they are to experience the life of heaven. It makes me think of the analogy of a little boy holding tightly to a penny while his dad is trying to make an exchange with him for a $20 bill. 

The Bible speaks of two kinds of sorrow. There is one kind of sorrow that causes a person to change their mind (repent), but there is another kind of sorrow that produces death. Nicodemus had worldly sorrow because he did not change his mind. Apostle Paul explains this concept with the following words. 

2 Cor 7:10 Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.

The young man in this story had worldly sorrow because it did not lead him to change his mind (repent). Godly sorrow, on the other hand, causes us to change our minds and propels us into the supernatural life God has for us. 

Is there anything that you’re holding on to that would keep you from God’s best for your life? I’m praying for you today! I’m asking for God’s grace to be upon you so that you will be willing to lose anything that would stand between you and God’s best for your life! Now is the time to make up your mind to obey God no matter what! Next time he puts his finger on something in your life, know that he wants to give you so much more than what you currently possess! May your decision be already made! May you be the opposite of Nicodemus! May you be willing to give up anything and yes, even everything to experience God’s… 


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