Encouraging Notes

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Living Loved by God

You are more valuable to God than you could ever fully comprehend! Because you are as precious to God as Jesus, God gave him in exchange for you! Wow! The price necessary from God to buy you back from the enemy was not small; it was the blood of his only was the blood of Jesus Christ. Yes, you are so important that he spared nothing to buy you back, right down to the life of his only Son! You might be saying, “Me? Am I that valuable to God?” The answer is an emphatic YES! How profoundly beautiful!

After we become believers in Jesus, we are often duped into the religious lie of trusting in our own righteousness to gain God’s love and favor. Herein lies the dilemma of Christianity that does not work. Those who try to be righteous in God’s sight through human effort will be those who live discouraged and defeated by their lack. Right believing is the only thing that will produce right living! Those who lean upon their own righteousness will always find themselves living in graphic disappointment! Our human effort is not enough to produce the life of God! Genuine faith is what enables the life of Christ.

What if there was a way for you to step into a Christlike life? How would you like to be pure, blameless, and full of the discernment of God? I’m sure your answer is, “Yes, I would love that!” Well, there is something so powerful that it can transform you into a person with all the characteristics of Christ! Check this out:

Phil 1:9-11 And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ to the glory and praise of God.

Wow – Do you see it? It’s all about being filled with God’s love! Those who try to be righteous on their own will find great disappointment. Those who give their total effort to receiving the love of God will experience a life that looks like Jesus!

I am praying for you today! May today be a gigantic leap in the direction of you being completely filled with and controlled by the precious love of God. You can be sure that God wants to live his life through you, which can only happen through the power of his love! Are you ready for a life that looks like Jesus? Then determine to give your best effort to meditating on God’s love for you and surrendering to its truth! Oh, my dearest friend, it is time to be…

Living Loved by God