The Ball Is In Your Court

People often think they're waiting upon God to move ahead in life, but the opposite is true. When it comes to making plans and goals, God has put the ball into our court.

Proverbs 16:1 To man belong the plans of the heart, but from the LORD comes the reply of the tongue.

Making plans for our life is something God has entrusted to us. When God sent Jesus to the cross, he provided the opportunity for us to step into the abundant life that faith produces. Faith is the avenue for us to live the very life of heaven right here on earth. That is why Jesus told us to pray, "Thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Mat 6:10 Yes, the life that God lives in is available to you right now. A life of true purpose can be yours because God has made it accessible through Jesus Christ. You are not waiting upon God for something to happen – God is waiting upon you to believe him and step out.

The new year is almost here! It's time to get excited about making some great plans and goals that will produce a life of significance. Daily working on your goals and dreams is a confidence builder and is the secret to a life of continual increase! It is essential to understand that God will not do it for you – you must choose to move ahead.

Prov 16:9 A man's heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps.

I believe God loves it when you make plans and begin to move ahead! As you plan and move ahead, he is able to steer your life in the right direction. It isn't easy to steer a parked car. When you start moving ahead, God can direct you towards his ultimate purpose for your life.

God is an organizer and a planner and wants you to be just like him. Now is the time to carefully craft your dreams, plans, and goals. Now is the time to learn the secret of successful daily habits that move you towards the bright future God has for you. The new year is just around the corner, and I believe that your best is yet to come! Don't allow yourself to get caught up in the false assumption that you are waiting upon God to move ahead because…

The Ball Is In Your Court

Encouraging Notes