Priceless Treasure

Do you remember the movie, Raiders of the Lost Ark? When it came out, it was an overnight success! People love the idea of searching for hidden or secret treasures. History is riddled with thrilling stories of those who have been willing to go to extreme lengths for such treasures! Many people have lost their lives, and even wars were waged over rare metals and precious stones like gold, diamonds, rubies, and the like, because of their value.

Would you believe me if I told you that something more costly and even more precious than those things is available? Think about this – it would indeed be priceless if it were possible to obtain something that could protect you, watch over you, exalt you, and honor you. Something like this would be so valuable that it would be worth losing everything to gain. Consider what the wisest man that ever lived said regarding this thought.

Prov 4:6-7 Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. Wisdom is supreme; therefore, get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. Esteem her, and she will exalt you; embrace her, and she will honor you.

According to this Scripture, wisdom and understanding are so valuable that the Bible exhorts you to get it even if it cost you all that you have. Because of his desire to give you his priceless wisdom, God paid the ultimate price, which was the sacrifice of his only Son. He sent Jesus Christ to free you from your slavery to sin and the law. These separated you from this precious treasure. The more you surrender to God’s provision through Jesus Christ, the more this priceless treasure of the wisdom of God will become yours. Take a look…

1 Corinthians 1:30 It is because of him (God) that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become the wisdom from God for us–that is, our righteousness, holiness, and redemption.

Jesus has become righteousness, holiness, and redemption for those willing to believe and receive. This is the key that unlocks the door for every believer to live in power, complete freedom, and victory! Wow!

The word righteousness means right standing with God. The price God paid to make us right with him was immense! And, here’s the craziest thought: The value God places on you is beyond anything we could ever fully comprehend. Here is the striking truth of the forever settled word of God – you are everything God has ever wanted! You are so precious to him that he sacrificed everything to have you! The fact that he considers us that valuable is mind-blowing and almost too good to be true!

Oh, that we would hold tightly to the truth that we are God’s dream come true! Oh, that we would believe that because of his great love, he wants to give us all that he is! Oh, that we would realize that our good works can never obtain for us this perfect standing with God; it is accessed by faith alone!

My prayers are reaching heaven for you today! May you lay hold of the amazing life of God available to you. Will you trust him? Today is your day to be filled with God and his wisdom! Today is your day to go to the next level! Oh, yes! It is your time to receive the…

Priceless Treasure

Encouraging Notes