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Those who achieve amazing things in life are those who believe they can! Believing you can is a prerequisite to experiencing the success God has in store for you. I don’t know about you, but there have been times when my circumstances were screaming the opposite of what I believed God had called me to accomplish. I was faced with the decision to either quit or, by faith, press on towards what God called me to do.

I remember early on when the prospect of having a great marriage seemed bleak because of the circumstances I saw myself in. A few times, I was afraid that my wife would leave me and all that I had believed for would be destroyed. 

It is critical during these times to trust God and NOT circumstances! For your life to move in the right direction, you must believe you can make it! This powerful statement is so true –  “The me I see is the me I’ll be.”

When the disciples could not cast the devil out of the boy, his father begged Jesus to help him by saying,  “Have mercy on us and help us, if you can.” Look at Jesus’ reply to him – “What do you mean, ‘If I can’?” Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a person believes.” Mark 9:22

Jesus made it clear that miraculous power is available to anyone who will believe. When we believe, we access the storehouse of God’s miracles, provision, and abundance! Today is your day for a breakthrough! Now is the time to believe God! Based on the word of God, I can assure you, if you believe…