Your Dream Will Come Alive

Have you ever pondered the crazy thought of why we sleep? Why did God give us this thing called sleep? Isn’t it interesting that it’s when we sleep that we dream? It is also interesting that our most significant healing comes while we sleep! Think about this; if a dream or vision for life was not necessary, why did God give Abraham the vision of the stars and sand? Take a look.   

Gen 15:5-6  He took him outside and said, “Look up at the heavens and count the stars--if indeed you can count them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be.” Abram believed the LORD, and he credited it to him as righteousness.

Genesis 22:17-18  I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies, and through your offspring, all nations on earth will be blessed because you have obeyed me.”

Just as sleeping and dreaming are essential for your physical body, so resting in God is key to spiritual health! It is resting in God that causes us to have the dream or vision of God for our life. In the natural, worry, and stress keep a person from going to sleep and dreaming. Likewise, in the spirit, those who do not cast their cares upon the Lord and trust him with life’s challenges have a very difficult time tapping into the dream of God for their life. Moved by the Holy Spirit, apostle Peter wrote, “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” 1Pet 5:7  

The enemy is trying to do everything he can to keep you from the wonderful things God has for you. Some of his greatest weapons against your success are fear, worry, condemnation, and bitterness. You can always stay one step ahead of the enemy by understanding his tactics and overcoming them by the truth of God’s word.

My dear friend, this is your season to receive all that God has for you. Trusting God and resting in him is the most essential key to receiving God’s dream and entering into the rewarding and fulfilling life of God’s purpose for you! Success and real significance are within your grasp. God has an exciting plan to help you to positively impact this world! This Encouraging Note is a reminder for you that the door to fulfilling your purpose is open! Real meaning and true significance are calling your name! Today is your day to trust God by casting your cares upon him and resting in him! Oh yes! When your heart is at rest…

Your Dream Will Come Alive

Encouraging Notes