Little Dreams 

Have you ever heard anyone say that you need a big dream for your life? Or, have you ever heard that you need to find your passion, and when you do, everything will fall into place? This kind of thinking is great for the person who knew early on what they wanted to be, but this is not how it is for the vast majority of people. Most kids don’t grow up knowing right off the bat who they are supposed to be when they grow up. So, when someone tells them, “You need to find your passion,” it becomes a debilitating burden to them. Because they don’t know what they want to do or are supposed to do, their sense of purpose is lost in the confusing world of finding their life passion or big dream. God is pleased when we do what is right in front of us with excellence! Being faithful with a little opens the door to being ruler over much. 

I recently listened to a podcast where Craig Groeschel was interviewing Liz Bohannon. She wrote a book called Beginners Pluck. This book describes how so many people carry such a heavy burden because they do not know what the mysterious and elusive thing called their big passion is. Most of these people spend all their time trying to find their big passion while doing nothing. In her book, she proposes that a person is much better off getting a little dream and making it happen because it opens you up to bigger dreams when you accomplish a little dream. In the middle of pursuing and achieving little dreams, the purpose of one’s life begins to be crystal clear! I love what apostle Paul said regarding this kind of thinking.

Colossians 3:23-24  Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

When we begin to give and serve wholeheartedly, using what God has given us, doors start to open for more extraordinary things! Jesus said it like this, “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’ Matthew 25:23

Sometimes we can be so overwhelmed trying to find our passion that we end up not accomplishing anything. In 356 days from now, what will it be about this year that makes you say, “that was the greatest year ever?” The answer to this question is found in the little dreams you chose to do, not just talk about! Today is your opportunity to pursue a little dream and make it happen by taking deliberate steps to accomplish it. You will be amazed at the joy and victory it will give you if you do. You will witness your life having more purpose, success, and significance than ever before, and you will be emboldened to dream an even bigger dream.

To be sure, big dreams are also from God. This Encouraging Note is not to diminish their importance but rather to give you the freedom to step out and accomplish something with real meaning and purpose that is in front of you right now!

Maybe this is your year to accomplish physical fitness and fat loss. Perhaps this is your year to write that book that seems to be constantly on your mind. Could it be that this is your year to make a small step towards that ministry or project that God has put on your heart? Whatever it is, you can be sure that big success will happen as you begin to accomplish those…

Little Dreams

Encouraging Notes