Something Great

When God is getting ready to do something great through someone, he will take them through great preparation. Because of his kindness and compassion, God will make sure that we don’t face a task that we are not adequately prepared for.

From birth, Moses had a great calling upon his life. I don’t know when he began to understand that he had a special calling, but as a young man, he presumptuously tried to fulfill his calling by killing an Egyptian who was abusing one of his fellow Jews.

Acts 7:23-25 One day, when Moses was forty years old, he decided to visit his relatives, the people of Israel. 24 He saw an Egyptian mistreating an Israelite. So Moses came to the man’s defense and avenged him, killing the Egyptian. 25 Moses assumed his fellow Israelites would realize that God had sent him to rescue them, but they didn’t.

Often, people know they have a calling on their life and try to make it happen on their own, but all efforts outside of God’s timing and preparation will prove to be fruitless. As you know, Moses needed 40 years in the desert to properly prepare him for the powerful purpose God had in store for him. God wanted to use him to save the whole nation of Israel, but Moses would need a new depth of salvation within his own soul before that could happen.

If it is not the right timing or you have not been adequately prepared, people will not recognize that calling upon your life. Many of God’s great leaders like Abraham, Joseph, and David had to go through significant preparation before stepping into their divine calling.

When Israel was getting ready to go in and possess the promised land, God spoke to them through his servant Joshua.

Joshua 3:9 Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you.”

I wonder if this is sounding an alarm within you. Maybe God is calling you to do something great – something that is right around the corner. Is God telling you to purify yourself in preparation for what he will accomplish through you? I love the following Scripture.

Philippians 1:6 Being confident of this that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Listen, God is the one who started the work within you, and he is serious about bringing it to completion! God is more concerned about your destiny than you are! He preplanned your life before the earth was in existence.

Philippians 1:4-6  For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love, he predestined us for adoption to sonship c through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will— to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.

God chose you before creating the world and took the time to pre-plan your destiny (predestined). How unbelievably beautiful and wonderful!

Is God calling you to get ready? Is there something that needs to be rearranged in your life? Are your daily habits on point? Maybe it’s time to listen carefully to the Holy Spirit’s still, small voice because maybe God is getting ready to use you for…

Something Great

Encouraging Notes