The Life You Truly Love Living

The Life You Truly Love Living

The most rewarding and fulfilling life you could ever know is found within a life of intimacy with God. Do you recognize God as one who loves relationship, emotion, and passion! Since we are made in God’s image and likeness, we can be assured that this is his nature because that is how he created us. Think about it; man is not the one who thought up hugging, kissing, and intimacy – that was God’s idea from the beginning. Indeed, the Bible is filled with proof of God’s passion, love, intensity, and heart for intimacy. Therefore, as one who is passionate, God is looking for real relationship with us and not just casual friendship. Know this, when God looks at you, he looks at your heart!

1Sam 16:7 But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”

Many people say, “I love God,” yet have no time for him in their daily routine. You can be sure of this; your future is wrapped up in your daily routine. A commitment to daily pursuing God’s heart reflects your love for him. God’s commitment towards you is absolute, and he wants the same from you. He knows that unless your heart is fully devoted to him, he will not be able to pour into you all that he desires to bless you with. You would never consider marrying someone who is only partially committed to you – right? You would never marry someone who had other loves or partners on the side – right? So, God is not looking to marry those who are only partially committed to him.

What is in a person’s heart shows up in their actions. What a person loves is what they make time for. This is true for all of us. Therefore, our actions declare what we love, believe, and what our priorities are! Someone said, “Actions speak louder than words.”

We could all say that there have been times when our actions didn’t line up with our words and ideologies. So how do we remedy this situation? In the following Scripture, Jesus gives the church in Ephesus the answer.

Rev 2:6a  Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first.

The word repent means change your mind. If you want to see a greater return in your relationship with God, you must invest in it. Do what you did when you first came to God. Do you remember how you passionately pursued him when it was all brand-new? That kind of pursuit is what will step you into the abundant life God longs for you to live! Remember, every harvest comes from a seed. The more seeds planted, the greater the harvest! Don’t ever forget this most essential point; you will never do anything that will make God love you more than he loves you now! No good works can grant you favor with God! Trying to earn God will never produce the life he longs to give you! Simple, childlike faith is what he is looking for! God yearns for you to live by his faith so that you can experience the life he lives!

Your priorities speak of where you believe your best life will come from. I can promise you this – the life you long for will be found in your relationship with God!

As I pray for you today, I am asking that God would grant you a greater revelation of the life that can be found in him! May you be convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that what you truly need will be found in him! Oh, yes! May today be your day to fall in love with Jesus all over again! This is your day! Now is your opportunity! Draw near to God today because only in him will you find…

The Life You Truly Love Living 

Encouraging Notes