Blessed Assurance

The search for meaning and purpose is a prevalent theme in our world today. Many are asking questions like, “Why am I here?” “How did I get here?” “Is there any purpose for my life?” The world is searching for the reason behind our existence and desperately looking for answers to why and what we are here for. At the deepest part of humanity, there is a longing for something solid to believe in and to rest their life upon! Being assured about something in your life brings a sense of contentment and peace.

I can assure you that there is a solid rock upon which you can rest your life, a place where confident assurance and stability mark your existence. Because of his love and passion for us, God gave us his forever settled Word, which is unchanging and eternally trustworthy! What God has said in his precious Word, he will fulfill, and of that, you can be sure!

Psalm 119:89 Forever, O LORD, Your Word is settled in heaven. (NKJV)

Psalm 89:2 I will declare that your love stands firm forever, that you established your faithfulness in heaven itself. 

Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. 

John 8:31-32 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.  Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” 

As a young boy, I remember singing this beloved hymn, “Blessed Assurance, Jesus is mine; oh what a foretaste of glory divine.” How true this is! When, through the Word of God, you find out that God is in love with you, sees you as perfect, and declares you as his very own, it changes everything! This is where a foretaste of glory divine becomes your way of life!

My dearest friend, God longs for you to know the security of living inside of him. He is not like the things of this world that are up and down and can be gone in a moment; he is the same yesterday, today, and forever! Heb 13:8

The Word of God is his life-changing, forever settled love letter to you. As you soak in its truths, abundant life, freedom, and security become your way of life. I have often said, “Your problems are not your problem; your problem is the way you perceive your problems.” The size of your problem becomes very small when the size of your God and his love for you becomes big in your heart and mind! If surrendered to and meditated upon, the Word of God has the power to step you into a life that experiences the very life of heaven!

It is time for your life to be stable and strong! It is time to fully rest and trust that through God, your best is yet to come! The Word of God is absolute, and his love for you is unshakable! Now is your time to let go and rest in his arms! Oh, yes! This is your season to experience the life of peace, rest, and…

 Blessed Assurance

Encouraging Notes