Encouraging Notes

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Consider It Pure Joy

Do you remember how there would be the comics section at the end of the newspaper? I used to joke about the Scripture that says, "Consider pure joy my brothers when you face trials of many kinds," saying that it was the comics at the end of the book. How in the world do you consider real trials pure joy? There are times when life can be so challenging that no rhyme or reason for such hardship seems plausible. I have experienced times when it seemed like the trials I faced were a well-planned attack on my life from hell. During these times, we tend to question and say, "Why would God allow this to happen to me?" "How could there ever be a good outcome from a tragedy like this?"

Yes, sometimes our trials seem overwhelming, like a perfect storm from hell. But, because God is in control and his plans for our lives are unwavering, if we will trust him, we will see the glory of his purpose revealed in and through those trials!

James 1:2-4  Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

Did you see that? Perseverance must finish its work! Wow! Excellent preparation always precedes significant promotion. God tends to pour out his glory into vessels prepared through testing and trial. I often refer to this process by likening it to the phrase "the weight room of life." As you go through your life, sometimes it seems as if your Eternal Trainer is telling you to do more than is possible. Sometimes I feel like you are at the end of your rope and have given all you can give. According to the trainers I have talked to, those last one or two reps are what make the difference. Yes, significant breakthroughs and explosive growth can be realized when you have been pushed to your limits.

Some years ago, I was going through some very challenging times. During that season, I wrote this song: "I believe your word more than I believe the giants in the land. Winds and waves don't get me down; on Christ the solid rock I'm found. I believe your word more than the cares of life facing me right now. Winds of hell may blow, but I've got an anchor for my soul. I believe your promise that says I am healed. I believe your promise that says I am filled. I believe your promise that says I am free. I believe your promise that says I have victory."

Job, Abraham, David, and countless others faced impossible circumstances but chose to believe God anyway. Because of their willingness to believe God, the outcome of their lives proved God to be faithful and caused them to be recorded as Hall of Famers in the greatest history book of all time – the Bible! I often contend that the most important word in the Bible is "believe." The entirety of the kingdom of God is based on and accessed through faith. God longs to bless us, but only faith can tap into that blessing. Therefore, without faith, it is impossible to please God. Hebrews 11:6

I love what Romans 8:28 declares. "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. "

What are you believing – what are you trusting in? What is your hope based upon? Those who put their hope in anything other than God will experience a life of graphic disappointment and disillusionment. But as you choose to let go and trust God completely, you can be sure that your future is exceedingly bright and will be anointed and blessed by God! Are there trials you will have to face? Most definitely! Nothing grows outside of stress! But, I assure you, God has great plans for you, and because you know God is working it all out for your good, you can do what the Holy Spirit told us to do through the apostle James …

Consider It Pure Joy