Encouraged by Your Faith

Some of the most inspiring and life-changing moments of my life have been during conversations with a trusted friend who used the truth of God to inspire me to be all God called me to be! Some of these conversations are unforgettable moments that have profoundly shaped my life. Wow! I am forever grateful to those who have taken the time to invest in me! I know that these people are gifts to me from God, and I dearly love them!

The understanding of our Genesis and genuine innocence before God will prove to be the greatest inspiration for us to fulfill our destiny in God. The more we understand who we really are in God, the more natural it will be for us to encourage each other in our faith and walk with God.

Many claim Christianity but not all understand the gravity of our right standing with God through Jesus and are therefore not very inspired to speak about it or encourage others. God longs for us to experience his amazing life! Indeed, the secret to being used by God is being filled with who God is. Oh, how desperately the body of Christ needs a greater revelation of how good our God is and how glorious his plan is for us!

The need for us to encourage one another is at an all-time high! We need to be fired up with the purpose of God so that our cities can catch fire with the love and grace of our amazing God!

Romans 1:11-12  I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong--  that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.

Hebrews 10:23-24  Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. 

As we see the signs of the last days upon us, let it be a spark to encourage each other more than ever before! The most urgent spiritual need of humanity is that they would know the precious love of God and their right standing with God through the sacrifice of Jesus!

Who can you encourage today? What text message will you send or what phone call will you make? Who are you going to grab a cup of coffee with? When each of us does our part, the purposes of God will forcefully advance, and we all will be empowered to fulfill God’s great commission!

My dearest friend, today is your day to impart hope and faith into someone. As I write this Encouraging Note, I am praying for you and believe that God is inspiring you to be all you are called to be! Oh, yes! Now is the time when many will have the life-changing experience of being …

Encouraged By Your Faith

Encouraging Notes