The issue is not trying hard to believe but instead entering into the place of resting in the faith of God or, you might say, the faithfulness of God! The children of Israel were not able to enter the promise land because they were pursuing it via human effort and not by faith. The promises granted in the covenant we have through Jesus Christ declare all of God’s blessing and goodness that he longs to impart into us and through us! Oh, yes! There is a wonderful promise land for you! It is still available!

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Arthur Wilder

When Jesus went to the cross, he went alone! The covenant that God was going to make on our behalf would be a covenant that we could not earn, deserve or even break. The book of Galatians in the New Testament records the stark rebuke of Apostle Paul to the church at Galatia, who were being deceived into thinking that by their performance they could enhance their right standing with God and, therefore, increase in their favor and power of God. Consider his scorching words to them.

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Arthur Wilder

The deposit guaranteeing Abraham’s inheritance was in fact the Holy Spirit! So, how is someone marked with the seal of the Holy Spirit? By believing! It is faith alone that taps you into the profound realities of God’s goodness, favor, power, and blessing! Though Abraham tapped into the power of the Holy Spirit by believing and acting upon the word of the Lord. His covenant with God was foretelling the ultimate covenant that would soon be made known on planet Earth, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

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Arthur Wilder

God. in his passion and love for this world, was foreseeing the day when people like you and me would, by faith, receive the promise of the Spirit and so step into the very blessing that God gave to Abraham. Apostle John wrote, “I wish above all things my brothers that you would prosper and be in good health, even as your soul prospers.” The prosperity that God has intended for you and I to step into is directly tied to the health of our soul. Our soul is our mind, will, and emotions. Therefore, faith is necessary for us to tap into prosperity God has intended!

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Arthur Wilder

If you’ll notice in the scripture above, Abram did not walk between the pieces of flesh. In other words, he was not a participant in the covenant but only a beneficiary of the promises of that covenant. So, who walked between the pieces? The Bible says that a smoking brazier (smoking pot) and a blazing torch passed between the pieces. Without a doubt, it was God that passed between the pieces, but more specifically, my study leads me to believe that it was Jesus and God. Also, according to God’s divine order, every matter must be established by two or more witnesses. (2 Cor13:1, Deut 19:15)

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Arthur Wilder

A covenant, on the other hand, that is duly established is where both parties agree to hold up their ends of the deal even if the other party does not. In other words, a violation of a covenant by one party doesn’t change the responsibility of the other party to continue to do what they agreed to do.

A duly established covenant is usually typified by significant promises made that are ratified and consummated by the shedding of the blood of humans and/or animals. When God was preparing to cut a covenant with Abraham, he tested him to see if he would be willing to believe.

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Arthur Wilder