Does it seem to you like the craziness in the world is ramping up? It feels like we are going into the birth pains we read about in the word of God. It seems as if God is allowing our own sin to bring about the discipline necessary for us to come to a place of repentance. God, because he loves us will not allow things to continue as they have been! There must be an awakening to the real answer to the hurts and pains of our world.

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Arthur Wilder

Someone once said, "Your attitude determines your altitude." I believe it is true! A life that is continually increasing is life that is empowered by ever-increasing thoughts. The best way to maximize your thought life to set your mind on God’s love for you! The more you know you are loved by God the more success you will have in every area of your life! Most people don’t go higher in life because they are afraid, but the word of God tells us perfect love casts out fear.

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Arthur Wilder

If you have been reading my posts then you will gather that I believe successful life is all about the love of God. But, we must be clear: Love is ALL about KNOWING God. The word know in the New Testament is often referring to a complete knowing--as in intimacy. The word for know in the Greek is ginōskō. It was commonly used in Jesus' day to refer to sexual intercourse. Intimacy with God releases His glory! Daniel tells us, "Those who know their God will be strong and do great exploits.” Dan 11:32

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Arthur Wilder

What we lack in our land is the pure love of God that always honors others above ourselves! From Scripture, we know that God is in love with every nation, every color and creed and that all of us are equal in his sight! Genuinely believing this comes from fully receiving the love of God! When we, by faith, receive the love of God, we will bring love, unity, and healing to our land! We can only give away what we possess, and therefore, the love of God that I receive is the only love that I will successfully give away!

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Arthur Wilder

This glorious, secret place of God is found within the confines of the love of God and is accessed by faith alone. Genuinely accepting His love is the cry of God's heart for you! You are more important and valuable to God than you have ever dreamed! The fact that Jesus went to the cross is absolute proof of your extreme value to him! For you to ever fully comprehend God’s love for you and your extreme value to him, you will need God’s power and all of eternity.

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Arthur Wilder

I know with certainty that we do not fully grasp how intensely God loves us! God’s love for us is so great that even his own Son was not spared in his plan to redeem us and reconcile us back to himself! WOW!!! The One who spoke, and the universe came into existence is in hot pursuit of us - Wow!

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Arthur Wilder