I love the Christmas season! The thought of Jesus carrying enough to come for me magnetizes my soul with intriguing, gripping, delightful thoughts!  As a reflect upon Jesus coming as a baby and being born in a barn, I find myself bumfuzzled and acutely humbled! This awe-inspiring season brings so many thought-provoking images to mind that stir me towards celebration and joy!

The best possible way someone couldcelebrate this Christmas would be to unequivocally receive what God has provided for us through Jesus Christ! Yes,this is why he came! Think about this – God was thoroughly prepared and ready for the very first Christmas! God came to give his life! He came as a baby and died as a man; he did it for you! Because of love, his life was not spared!

Matthew 1:23 (NIV) "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel"--which means, "God with us."

2 Corinthians 5:21 (NIV) God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God!

That’s right! God caused Jesus, who had no sin to be sin for us. In other words, he became our substitute. He took our place – he took our punishment. Just as God came to give his life away, so we must give our lives away to him! We must come with the humility and faith of a little child and be willing to receive without reservation what he has done for us!

There is nothing that you or I can do to deserve or earn God’s favor towards us; we must, by faith, accept that all our sin is paid for by the precious sacrifice of Jesus!

The greatest gift you could give to God this season would be to RECEIVE his amazing provision for your righteousness and relationship with him provided through Jesus Christ! I believe the greatest gift you can give to God is to believe him! The greatest pain God has to endure is the unbelief of those he so desperately wants to bless!

Jesus was ready for Christmas – he gave his life away! This Christmas is your opportunity to give your life to him. Giving your life away means that you choose to trust him alone for your righteousness, value, worth and eternity! This is your opportunity! It is time to give God what he so deserves – your complete trust! God was ready for Christmas! Are you…


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Arthur Wilder