Encouraging Notes

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For years I have contended that the most important word in the Bible is the word believe. The only way to get to God is through faith! I believe that God’s greatest pain is when we don’t believe him, while his greatest joy is when we fully trust him! God passionately wants us to live in his extraordinary life, and the only way to access it is to believe! 

Romans 5:1 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,

Galatians 3:11 Clearly, no one is justified before God by the law because “The righteous will live by faith.”

Galatians 3:13-14 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.” 14 He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus so that by faith, we might receive the promise of the Spirit.

Surrender to the incredible grace and love of God is the key that unlocks the treasure of all God is! Remember, the price of your future is your present! Time must be spent every day to keep your mind stayed on the truth of God’s love and plan for your life. As a matter of fact, to live the life God has called us to, we must never leave the mindset of who we are in Christ and who Christ is in us. This is why the Bible encourages us to meditate on its truth day and night, to rejoice in the Lord always, to pray without ceasing, and to give thanks in all circumstances. (Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1; 1Thess 5:16-18) 

What you consistently think about determines the trajectory of where you are headed. Your habits today are determining the outcome of your tomorrow! You can never change your life until you change what you do every day! John Maxwell said, “The secret to your future is hidden within your daily routine.” 

Will you trust God today? Will you set your mind on things above? He wants to favor, bless, and increase you in every way! My prayer for you today is that this truth would be forever settled in your heart… 


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