Our greatest challenge in the body of Christ is confronting the lie of being right with God through good works rather than through trusting in God’s abundant provision through Christ. Living as if being right with God was attainable through deeds is the greatest danger we face! This dastardly lie is keeping the body of Christ from entering into the power that is ours in Christ! 

For if you are trying to make yourselves right with God by keeping the law, you have been cut off from Christ! You have fallen away from God’s grace. But we who live by the Spirit eagerly wait to receive by faith the righteousness God has promised to us. (Galatians 5:4, 5 NLT) 

There is no substitute for faith regarding being right with God! Resting in God and waiting by faith for his work in us is the only way for his righteousness to be accomplished in us and through us! It is time for us to step into real Christianity – faith! Completely reject the idea of attaining righteousness by works and choose to rest in all that is ours through Christ! My dear friend, living loved, forgiven, and free, is what God has granted us through Jesus Christ! What a crazy privilege! What a wonderful life! Trusting in Christ alone is what accomplishes God’s righteousness in you. 

Rest, rest, rest! :-) Yes, this is God’s will for you and me! When God created the universe, he worked for six days and then rested on the seventh. You and I are on the seventh day! Trying to be right in God’s eyes by works is over! It is time for us to rest in the arms of God’s love and amazing grace! It is time for us to set our minds on things above! This means that you will live your life focusing on what is unseen – not what is seen! 

2 Corinthians 4:18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Christianity is not about what you can see but is all about what you cannot see. Therefore, to be successful as a Christian, you must focus on the unseen! Everything you can physically see is temporary; the unseen is eternal! Through Jesus’ sacrifice, God has granted you his righteousness – just receive! This is the only way the righteousness of God will be made known in and through you. Apostle Paul’s words must be your daily life, so... 


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Arthur Wilder