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“Those who know their God will be strong and do great things.” Dan 11:32 

I have contended for years that the most important word in the Bible is the word believe, or trust. The evidence in the Word of God shows that those who know their God have one thing in common, they fully trust God! When David was considering the thought of fighting Goliath, there was no fear in him. He trusted God completely! He did not sheepishly approach the giant; he ran to meet him. What was David thinking? David knew who God was. He knew that he was in right standing with God. He knew that it was impossible for him to lose because he was fulfilling God’s will and purpose.

David said, “Those who know your name will put their trust in you for you, oh Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you. Psalm 9:10

Henry Ford said, “If you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” Jesus said it like this, “To him who believes, all things are possible.” Mark 9:23 Yes indeed, everything is possible to the person who believes God! The prophet Daniel was also one who put his full trust in God. When he had received the news that all those who would pray to any other God besides the king would be thrown into the lion’s den, he prayed as he always did. He was unafraid of the king’s edict because of his unequivocal trust in God. Because he trusted in God, the lions could not harm Daniel. On the contrary, the lions crushed all those who had conspired against Daniel.

So here’s the question; are you trusting God? Do you see God as the one who will make a way for you, or is it all up to you and your ability? Do you know that fear and faith are polar opposites? Those who believe God have no fear. Those who trust in their own ability are those who are fearful. The confident person is the one who has fully put their trust in God. These are the people who cast all their cares upon the Lord because they know that he cares for them. 1 Peter 5:7 The spiritual realm is accessed by faith, and that is why God told us that it is impossible to please him without it. Heb 11:6

God does not answer prayers because we have a need. God answers prayer because we believe him. 1 Chronicles 5:20 says that God answered the Israelites’ prayers because they put their trust in him. The ability to trust God comes from knowing the character God. God is all-powerful and is absolutely in love with you! God longs for you to trust him because it is your faith that taps you into all that he wants to bless you with. God is trying to take us, as the body of Christ, to a deeper level of faith in him! The world needs to see a demonstration of God on earth! Exciting times are ahead for us! Will you let God use you? Will you trust him?

I promise you this; one of the marks that clearly identifies those who know their God is that…


Arthur Wilder