Encouraging Notes

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Your Life-Target

Have you been reaching your goals, hitting the bullseye on those life-targets God has put before you? I don’t think any of us shoot at those targets to miss purposefully. I may throw a basketball towards a basketball hoop halfheartedly, but inwardly I still want it to go in.

The life-target God has put in front of you must be handled with the greatest of care! Hitting the mark in life, i.e., knowing your purpose and fulfilling it, is a task worthy of your most excellent effort! Fulfilling your purpose in life is where casual doesn’t fit in! You don’t want to hit somewhere near the mark; you want to live right, smack-dab in the center of what God has called you to do. Living in your calling and fulfilling your destiny is something only a few accomplish but is worthy of your most sincere effort. 

What has God called you to do? Greatness is not an accident; it is a choice to change who you are on the inside. Please remember this – A life of significance is always possessed on the inside before it manifests on the outside! That is why apostle Paul taught that we need to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Rom 12:2 We must fix our internal eyes on God’s success principles to see our purpose fulfilled. Listen to these inspirational words given to us by the Holy Spirit.

Heb 12:1-3 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him, he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

Many would read something like this and think, what is that massive purpose that I need to do to be successful. This idea is a great misnomer! Greatness is always found in the little things – those seemingly insignificant but consistent choices and habits. Mike Murdock says, “The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine.” How true! Yes, those consistent daily habits will determine how significant your future will be!

There are so many things vying for your time – so many things trying to detour your success. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tick-Tock, Snapchat, hobbies, TV, and the like seem to be constantly calling your name! Not only are these things vying for your time, but fear and insecurity also try to creep in as formidable obstacles. But despite distractions and fears, you can be assured that with God as your senior partner, there is no way to lose! God has declared that you are more than a conqueror and has certainly called you to win!

Romans 8:37 No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.

Maybe today is your day for a genuine assessment of your pursuit of what God has called you to do. Do you know where you’re headed? Is your target clearly defined? A person must know what they want to hit before hitting bullseye is possible. Maybe today is your day to carefully consider where your life is heading.

You are never too late to fulfill God’s purposes for your life! Remember, God allowed Abraham to be 100-years-old before he began to see his dream fulfilled. So, no matter your age or situation, there is no better day than today to arrange your daily habits so that they line up with your life-target.

As I pray for you today, I declare that the fear and anxiety that has been trying to hinder you from your God-given destiny is destroyed! I declare that the vision of God for your life arises in your heart and that because of that new vision, you will soar above the distractions and obstacles trying to keep you from your best! Yes! May you experience the power of God’s grace upon you, and may the joy of the Lord be your strength!

Today is a gift from God; it is your opportunity to launch some daily habits that will cause you to fulfill your life purpose! It is time for you to be all God created you to be! It’s time to hit…

Your Life-Target