Everything Comes from a Seed

Many people want to be successful, but few know the power of a life of significance. Those who become significant know that it comes from sowing seeds. A principle we have discussed in the past is, “What you make happen for others, God will make happen for you.” As we learned yesterday, God set up the universe upon the principle of sowing and reaping, and that is why Jesus told his disciples that they must understand its principles. (See Mark 4:13)  Paul told the Galatian church, “Do not be deceived; God cannot be mocked, whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap.” Galatians 6:7

Everything in life begins with the seed. If there’s an area of lack in your life, the best thing you can do is sow good seed in that area. When you understand that whatever you sow, you will reap multiplied, you can get excited about the possibilities for your life! Hallelujah! God has given you a way to increase! For those who want to have more friends, the Bible instructs them to show themselves friendly or so seeds of friendship. (See Proverbs 18:24 KJV)

It’s important to remember that those you allow in your life as your closest friends will drastically alter your future. This is why God told us, “Don’t be misled; bad company corrupts good character.” 1Cor 15:33. Why is this so? It’s because of the principle of sowing and reaping. Everything that goes in your eyes and ears is a seed. Everything you do and say is also a seed. Interestingly, this principle works for every person on earth whether they believe in God or not. Indeed, it is a universal principle.

Apostle Paul told us, “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, but whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” 2Cor 9:6. To me, this is so exciting! I can’t change my future, but I can choose my seed and how I sow it! Though I can’t straightaway change my future, I can drastically affect where my life is headed and what will happen in my future through sowing seed! Hallelujah!

Sometimes when people hear the concept of sowing seed, they only think of tithes and offerings, but the truth is, sowing and reaping works in every area of life! I hope you’re getting as excited as I am! You’ve heard preachers say, “I’m preaching myself happy?” Well, today I am writing myself happy! :-) I am getting excited as I contemplate all the areas I can be more effective at sowing seeds! Oh, yes! Because I understand sowing and reaping, I can look forward to a future of harvesting great things!

My dearest friend and partner in Christ, I pray that your heart is encouraged today to use what God has given you to sow some seed; because you can be sure…

Everything Comes from a Seed

Encouraging Notes