Daniel's life of honor and integrity silenced his enemies and ultimately caused Daniel’s promotion to the highest level of authority in the land. What a powerful lesson this is for us all! A person who is truthful and trustworthy is a person who will find the favor and blessing of God upon their life. You have exceptional qualities that God wants to bring forth and display them to the world.

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Arthur Wilder

My mama ran her race with excellence! She feared God by diligently honoring him in all she did. Hours before she flew away, I told my brother Dave that I could hear the heavenly jet engines revving. I knew it was time for her to go to her reward, so many tears of pride and joy – so many tears of celebration for her promotion into the loving arms of Jesus! Being near her in this time was an experience of beauty, glory, and wonder! Wow! I am deeply honored to be one who could call Rosella Wilder, mama!

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Arthur Wilder

Before the shepherd boy, David, fought Goliath, the giant, all the armies of Israel were terrified by him and the fierce Philistine army they were facing. David saw the same giant in the same warriors that the Israelite army saw, but David saw them from a different point of view. When we look at life from God’s point of view, we not only think we can win, we know we will win! David saw himself as an agent of God and his power, but the armies of Israel looked at the giant and the other warriors from the viewpoint of their own strength and skill.

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Arthur Wilder

Sadly, many churchgoing people live this painfully discouraging life. Though God loves us and wants to bless us more than we could ever fathom, that love and blessing can never be accessed unless we believe him. Christianity is all about tapping into the unseen! The love of God is so close to those who have a humble, childlike, believing heart but far away from those who try to feel righteous by doing the right things.

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Arthur Wilder

This is where faith comes in. A person must embrace the invisible to expect to have a relationship with our wonderful and loving God who is unseen. Of course, this is not a physical place and does not require a specific physical posture, but rather a state of heart and mind. So how do you go to him? In your heart and mind, you recognize, receive, and step into what is unseen.

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Arthur Wilder

King David saw God as his confidence, his protection, and his strong refuge. Though King David knew God to be all those things, he, like us, did not have the power to fully ascertain how much God loved him. I promise you this; God cares so deeply about every detail of your life that when you combed your hair this morning and that hair fell out, he knew it. Mt 10:30 Look at the words of King David as he ponders this amazing thought.

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Arthur Wilder