I have to admit, there have been times, when it comes to God, that I have been more of the kisser than the clinger. What about you? When it comes to God, are you a clinger or just a kisser? Many go to church and even know how to say all the right Christian things to say and do, but are unwilling to surrender and cling to God. Many will go to church and go through the motions but not surrender their whole life to Christ.

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Arthur Wilder

The only way you can live the life that God considers worthy is to believe him! When you trust in his love, mercy and grace, you are setting yourself up for heavenly breakthrough and increase! God has declared you right in his sight by the blood that Jesus brought to the mercy seat in heaven! Jesus has appeared in heaven on your behalf, and you have been granted a perfect standing before God!

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Arthur Wilder

Living your life with your mindset on the beautiful and exciting things God has declared releases a life of joy like no other! The life of faith that God has called us to is intensely wonderful because the premise on which it is structured is filled with love, peace, joy, and prosperity in every dimension! The high-life of God is the life of recognizing the reality that God is all around you and in you and that he is working within you to prosper you in every way imaginable! Choosing to set your mind on his love and perfect plan for your life is the beginning of an adventure of a lifetime! It is the beginning of a life of fulfillment beyond anything this world has to offer!

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Arthur Wilder

Experiencing the presence of God begins with a childlike heart that surrenders to his reality, accepting his love and embrace! Experiencing the presence of God necessitates a person to receive their perfect standing with God as provided through the sacrifice of Jesus! Please, my dear friend, don’t try hard to believe God! The secret to the presence of God is not found in working hard to have faith, but resting in the faith of God? Oh, yes! God is forever faithful and true, and resting in that is what taps you into all that God is!

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Arthur Wilder

Should we not believe that what God has promised will also surely come to pass? God indeed knows what he is doing, and what he has said will be fulfilled! The devil has not stepped in and somehow won! No! God is raising up a generation that will be consumed by his love and the world will know that we are his disciples by the way we love one another! Apostle Paul said to the Philippian church, "being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Phil 1:6 Oh, yes! God, who started this amazing work in us, will carry it on to completion!

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Arthur Wilder

The Scripture declares that he will never leave you and will never forsake you. He is your helper and because of that you need not fear anything! Consider this: God is so intimate with you that he is paying attention to every single hair on your head! Wow! You can be sure that there has never been a moment in your entire life that God has taken his eyes off of you even for one second.

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Arthur Wilder