A divinely spoken word from God has the same power; it can transform you into a completely new person. Yes, within the seed of a word from God, specifically spoken to you, is the power to transform your life forever! Wow! A word from the Lord is all you need? Yes! It only takes one word!

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Arthur Wilder

God always tests us to see if we will be obedient with a small word before he gives us a life-changing word. If you get a word from God, it is of utmost importance that you will obey and live out that word! As you, by faith, do what he is saying, you will see the glory of God revealed the purpose of heaven brought forth in your life. God loves you enough to speak to you! Hallelujah! Receive it and do it!

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Arthur Wilder

It is imperative that when we come to God that we are completely honest with no unconfessed sin or hidden agendas. Though God has already forgiven us of all our sins, our confession and repentance clears our conscience and allows us to hear clearly from the Lord! The prophet Isaiah said to the children of Israel, "But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you so that he will not hear." Isa 59:2 The word "iniquities" speaks of wrong thoughts. God longs to bless us, but harboring tests and can keep us from intimacy with him and, therefore, his blessing. The Word of God has the power to both cleanse and heal your heart!

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Arthur Wilder

God has always given me far better than I deserve! Beyond all doubt, I am fully convinced that I do not have a leg to stand on when it comes to deserving God and his goodness! King David also had an intimate understanding of the kindness, forgiveness, and mercy of God. Here is how he describes God’s forgiveness heart towards him.

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Arthur Wilder

God spoke words to Samuel, and through those words, Samuel became more and more intimate with God. Wow! I believe that's the longing of each one of us! I am desperate to know him! I need him and am more dependent upon his words to me than ever before! This I know, it is the word of God that reveals God. The word of God is seed (1 Peter 1:23), and, therefore, the word of God is the DNA and genetic codes of God. Think about that! Inside the word of God is the full manifestation of all God is. As I said recently, the word of God is not God in all His fullness, for that would take up all of space, time, and eternity, yet the word of God is the fullness of God.

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Arthur Wilder

Sometimes when things are difficult, we are tempted to think that God is against us and does not want to help us with our situation. During these times, we tend to beg God, asking him to change our challenging state of affairs, but God is trying to use those very situations to bring about our best! As the Scripture above states, someone who is a genuine child of God will go through discipline. A wise son trusts his father's discipline, and a wise son obeys. Apostle James takes this concept even one step farther – take a look!

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Arthur Wilder