Do you pay attention to your thought life? The person who centers their thoughts on what God says is a person who is headed for greatness! Yes! When your thoughts about what God says of you become more dominant than what the enemy is trying to tell you, you will see the victory of God in your life! A victorious life finds its power in the habit of focusing on God's truth rather than focusing on circumstances.

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Arthur Wilder

John 1:1 In the beginning, was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. So the word of God is God himself. Just as a seed is not a tree in its fullness but yet is the fullness of the tree, so the word of God is not God in His fullness but is the fullness of all that God is.

God longs for you to experience the wonder of not only hearing his words but understanding and experiencing what he is saying. It is so important to choose to obey what God says even before he has spoken to you. It is only those who choose to do the will of God will find out what God's teaching is.

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Arthur Wilder

Do you remember the story of Joseph when his brothers were going to kill him but instead sold him into a lifetime of slavery? The brothers thought that they were destroying his life, but God was setting his life up for ultimate purpose and significance. It was those circumstances that created his eventual place of power and authority.

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Arthur Wilder

A person of their word! This seems to be a concept that is painfully rare in our society. I think that we can all agree that all too often, talk is cheap. Sometimes words can confuse the situation and make it appear like something it is not. Though words are significant, it is not what we say that ultimately defines us but rather what we do. Our actions are the authentic voice of our life.

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Arthur Wilder

Listen carefully to the wisest man that ever lived as he records what the wisdom of God is saying to us.

Proverbs 8:33-36 Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not ignore it. Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from the Lord. But whoever fails to find me harms himself; all who hate me love death.”

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Arthur Wilder

Have you ever watched an eagle soaring high in the sky? They do not struggle; they effortlessly sore higher and higher because of the power of the wind that they are tapping into. Similarly, once a sailboat reaches the open seas it does not need ores to propel it forward. As a matter of fact, at this point, ores will only slow it down because now it is being propelled by the power of the wind. No longer does the crew have to strain and struggle at the ores because the power of the wind causes effortless sailing.

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Arthur Wilder