Do you comprehend what this verse is saying? The law, which Adam and Eve chose and passed on to us, is what God has used to bind all men over to disobedience so that he can show his incredible love and apply mercy to us all. It was not God’s will that Adam and Eve opted for a life of bondage to the law, but God, because of his great love for us, already had a plan to use it to show us his incredible love for us! God’s mercy is for us all; no one is excluded!

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Arthur Wilder

May you be filled with God’s love and faithfulness today! Remember, you can only give away what you possess. Surrendering yourself to the truth of the love of God for you is the only way true love will flow through you! Yes! Receive and entirely give yourself over to the fact that he wholly and completely loves you.

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Arthur Wilder

If only we would take the attitude of David in the Psalms, “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.” (Ps 23:4) There is only one real reason why you can face the future with confidence; God is with you and will never forsake you! In this life, going through difficult things is not and if, but when. We must understand that God is like the most excellent trainer that knows how much resistance you need to bring you the most increase! Though pain is not fun, it is what brings gain? Consider these powerful words from apostle Peter:

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Arthur Wilder

If you're reading this, you haven't missed it! You are in the right place at the right time! Even now, God has gifted you with an opportunity of eternal consequence! God is longing for you to enter the place where he lives, the blissful place of peace and rest! Trying to deserve this wonderful life will be counterproductive. The key to unlocking this life is humbly receiving what has already been provided through Christ.

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Arthur Wilder

When the water is being stirred is when we must jump in! Do you recognize the stirring that is going on? There is a shaking going on in our land, and it is a set up for God to display his extraordinary life and power through us! Right now is the time of God's favor! God is talking to you, calling your name so that you will not miss the time of his favor. He needs you to believe him! If you trust him, he will be able to fulfill his purpose in and through you. Carefully consider the word of the Lord spoken to Zechariah the prophet, "Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the Lord Almighty." Zec 4:6

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Arthur Wilder

The world is longing for a genuine demonstration of the reality of God! If we were an extension of God's Love to each other, the world would quickly see how real he is! Oh, that we would surrender to the love of God! Oh, that we would let go of our striving and enter into resting in his love!

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Arthur Wilder