This verse gives us a clue to what faith is. Faith comes from hearing a message. Faith in this Scripture is more than hearing any old message; it is speaking of hearing and receiving a special kind of truth. The Scripture declares that the message is heard through the word about Christ. The term “word” in this Scripture comes from the Greek word Rhema, and it means a word from God that is specific for you and is revealed to you by God. Therefore, faith is the result of hearing and receiving something that God has specifically spoken to your heart from the word of God. It is those specific words that a person must humbly receive and become intimate with to be able to step into the world of faith.

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Arthur Wilder

After all the destruction that came upon Job, he said, “What I feared has come upon me; what I dreaded has happened to me. Job 3:25 In other words, the faith that he had in the negative had a part to play in what happened to him. He had faith in the bad things that could happen, which was manifest by his fear. Since fear does not come from God, there is indeed a better and higher way to live. The Bible declares that this higher way of living can only be accessed by faith.

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Arthur Wilder

It was faith in the serpent’s words and in what the tree of the knowledge of good and evil could give them that caused Adam and Eve to become intimate with or bound to the law. The fruit that they partook of was accessed by faith. Faith is what taps you into the provision of God for your perfect standing with him and causes you to return to the existence of being forever loved, forgiven, and free.

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Arthur Wilder

It was faith in the serpent’s words and in what the tree of the knowledge of good and evil could give them that caused Adam and Eve to become intimate with or bound to the law. The fruit that they partook of was accessed by faith. Faith is what taps you into the provision of God for your perfect standing with him and causes you to return to the existence of being forever loved, forgiven, and free.

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Arthur Wilder

The greatest challenge of humanity is to be humble enough to let go of self-righteousness and personal performance to wholly embrace the truth of what God has done for us through Jesus Christ. There is something deep inside of all of us that wants to feel right about ourselves and right with God based upon our performance. This way of thinking is at the core of what the serpent seduced Adam and Eve into receiving, and this way of thinking keeps many who profess to be Christians living in fear, condemnation, and failure.

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Arthur Wilder

Before God’s provision for righteousness through the sacrifice of Jesus, we belonged to the law with marriage covenant status. But now, by faith in our co-death with Christ, we are delivered from the law to serve God in the new way of the Spirit and not in the old way of the written code, the law. This is why the apostle Paul said, “For we maintain that a person is justified by faith apart from the works of the law.” Romans 3:28

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Arthur Wilder