Do you see that? There is no fear in love! Adam and Eve stepped out of knowing the love of God because they became intimate with the law of trusting in self. Those who live inside of the love of God are free from fear. The Scripture goes on to say, perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment. Before Adam and Eve partook of the law, they perceive themselves as perfect in God’s eyes and fully deserving of his protection, provision, and love. They had no fear of punishment because there were no laws to break. The only law that God gave them was – don’t touch the laws. God knew that the day they made a covenant with trusting in self, I partaking of the knowledge of good and evil fear/death would be there lot.

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Arthur Wilder

Up to this point, though naked and transparent, Adam and Eve had no righteousness of their own to lean upon and therefore stood before God without shame because they were pure with nothing to hide. Before Adam and Eve became intimate with the law of self, they could look into the eyes of God with absolute confidence and security. Being vulnerable before God was beautiful to them because they were thoroughly and completely adored, valued, and treasured! They saw themselves as perfect in the eyes of God, knowing that they were the love of God’s life and the joy of his morning?

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Arthur Wilder

Nakedness speaks of transparency and vulnerability. Adam and Eve were entirely transparent before God. There was no need to hide from God because everything that God was and is, they were. They were perfect in his sight and, therefore, lived before God as those who are completely loved, adored, and unashamed. Nothing outside of God is fully righteous. Adam and Eve’s decision to be governed by self removed them from living inside of God and immediately plunged them into a life void of feeling right or righteous. After partaking of the law of self, they recognized their transparency and lack and proceeded to make coverings for their private parts from fig leaves. Later, we see that it was the fig tree that Jesus cursed, pronouncing all attempts to be righteous without God as cursed.

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Arthur Wilder

So here, apostle Paul says the only way to be free from the law of marriage is if one of the partners dies. He goes on to say, “you also died to the law through the body of Christ, that you might belong to another, to him who was raised from the dead.” Rom 7:4 The Scripture would not say, “belong to another,” unless we, in fact, belonged to the law. The word of God declares that we died to the law (knowledge of good and evil) through the body of Christ so that we could belong to Jesus.

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Arthur Wilder

So, the knowledge of good and evil that Adam and Eve partook of was, in fact, the law of Moses. This knowledge of good and evil is the power behind what caused Jesus to go to the cross. Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians, said, “The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.” 1 Corinthians 15:56 This is why Romans 5:20 says, “The law was added so that the trespass (or sin) would increase.” In other words, the knowledge of good and evil is the power that makes people sin.

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Arthur Wilder

The greatest seduction of the enemy in the body of Christ today is to get Christians to try to be righteous by their own efforts. The results of this style of “Christianity” is condemnation, fear, and failure. You need to understand that Adam and Eve didn’t simply partake of some casual knowledge, they actually became intimate with it as in the bonds of marriage. In the next couple of days, we will be discussing what exactly that knowledge was and how we know that they became bound to it as in marriage?

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Arthur Wilder