As you know, the command above all commands is love! (Mark 12:30-31) And it is never by our might or power! (Zech 4:6) Faith in God equals a genuine relationship with God and a reciprocal love for God that answers the call of obedience! Resting your life upon your right standing with God, through the sacrifice of Jesus, is the beginning of greatness! The more we set our mind upon the gospel, the more we find ourselves living the abundant life of heaven! As brother Hagan used to say, “starve the world and feed the Word.”

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Arthur Wilder

There are no words to describe how important and valuable it is to have an intimate relationship with God. Christianity, without intimacy with God, is like having a meal without food. It is like clouds that bring no rain. Christianity, at its root, is intimacy with God! Only precious intimacy with God can bring about the fulfillment of God’s greatest desires. Do you know that God’s greatest desire is you? God longs for you to experience the depth of his love! Look at these powerful words from King David to his son Solomon.

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Arthur Wilder

A quote often attributed to St Francis of Assisi says, “Preach the Gospel at all times, and if necessary, use words.” According to the word of God, words are necessary, but our life must be more than words; it must be an accurate display of what we are saying. This kind of living comes from the simplicity of receiving and believing what God has said.w

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Guest User

Do you believe that all your sin, past, present, and future were paid for by the blood of Jesus? Do you really? Do you live your minute-by-minute and second-by-second life knowing that you are righteous in God’s sight through that blood? Believing these truths opens the door to the amazing spiritual home God has for you right now! It’s luxurious. It’s beautiful. It’s everything that you’ve ever dreamed and more!

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Arthur Wilder

There is nothing in all of the universe that excites God more than you! From the very beginning, all he has wanted is for you to be close enough to him for him to impart into you all the blessing of who he is! If you trust him and him alone, you’ll find your life increasing and going higher every day! This is the one scenario when putting all your eggs in one basket makes sense!

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Arthur Wilder

Living in the faith of God and in the love of God, go hand-in-hand! Your ability to respond towards others with the love of God is predicated upon you, by faith, receiving an existing in God’s love! A revival of the love of God is getting ready to sweep the body of Christ! Today is your day to set your mind on what the word of God has said is true regarding God’s love for you! A life that displays the love of God comes from existing, minute by minute inside of that love!

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Arthur Wilder