God’s great love for you and me compels us to carry out the life of love, which is laying down our lives for others. God’s favor and blessing chases those who have chosen to put God’s business before their own! Investing in your future financially requires a sacrifice of pleasures and comforts that you could have otherwise purchased with that money. It is easy for one to spend all their money on pleasures only to pay the price of poverty later.

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Arthur Wilder

God commanded the prophet Isaiah to use his mouth to speak over what was dead and command it to live. I believe that God is calling us to do the same! It is time for us to speak! It is time for us to pray! It is time for the body of Christ to come alive so that the world can know of the precious love of Jesus! Just as the world was created through the spoken word of God, so we must use the power in our tongue to release the purposes of heaven!

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Arthur Wilder

Isaiah tells us that all our righteousness is as filthy rags. (Isa 64:6) It is by faith alone that you can tap into the free gift of righteousness that God has offered to us through Jesus. This means you MUST give up ALL your “good enough” to by faith receive his “good enough.” Make no mistake, it is still all about ALL! You give up ALL your ability to be righteous by your own strength to, by faith, receive ALL his righteousness as provided by the blood of Jesus and the cross! The more you give up ALL efforts to be righteous in God’s sight, surrendering to Christ’s free gift of righteousness, the more his righteousness will flow through you!

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Arthur Wilder

Interestingly, God often chose those who were insignificant and unknown to do some of the greatest feats. Matthew 17 records the story of the disciples trying to cast a demon out of a little boy but were unable. When they came to Jesus to ask why they were unable to cast it out, Jesus said, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Mat 17:20 The mustard seed is one of the smallest of all seeds. Amongst the garden seeds, it seems so tiny and insignificant, yet when full-grown, it becomes the largest of all garden plants. Wow! Jesus was saying that if you have faith – even little faith, you can do great things!

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Arthur Wilder

The determining factor for your success is your mind. We must believe God! Though God cares deeply about all the suffering here on earth, his power cannot be accessed simply because there is a need, only faith can move his hand of power! This earth is under the authority of man, and God can do nothing until man unlocks God’s purposes through faith and speaking his will.

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Arthur Wilder

Wow! Today is a gift to you! Go for it! Don’t let anything stop you! Today is your day of increase and prosperity! Today’s your day to fulfill God’s great purpose on earth! Take this day by storm! God gave it to you, so you can fulfill his great purpose, the very reason for which you were born! Today, your destiny is being unfolded as you move out in faith, trusting God!

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Arthur Wilder