When you get around someone who is inspiring, it is because of a faith that they possess. Apostle Paul was telling the Corinthian church that God’s grace was the reason for the overflowing thankful hearts. Those who put their trust in what God has done for us are those who will overflow with thanksgiving!

God’s grace has been poured out upon us all through Jesus Christ! My dearest friend, this Thanksgiving season could mark a monumental transformation in your life! If you are willing to fully embrace God’s grace and choose to have a thankful heart, this could be the best Thanksgiving you have ever had!

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Arthur Wilder

As you can see, worry is definitely not something for those whose hope is in God! So, what do you do when faced with challenging circumstances or dire news? The following is God’s solution.

Phil 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

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Arthur Wilder

Life-giving power is accessed by those who will take the time to express their gratitude to God! According to these Scriptures, the salvation of God is tapped into when you thank and praise him!

Exodus 34:6 Our God is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love!

With all that’s going on in the world, I find excitement brewing in my spirit! I believe Jesus is coming back very soon! There is no time in history that I would rather live than right now! We are soon going to see him face-to-face!

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Arthur Wilder

A heart of gratitude towards God is powerful! King David’s bold decision to bless the Lord at all times shows how genuinely thankful he was. Are you grateful for all that God has done for you? Do you live your moments and days living in and exuding a thankful heart?

A thankful heart is a result of believing God. Those who trust in God are those who have the power to be thankful! When you know that God will make a way for you, you will be empowered to have a thankful heart!

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Arthur Wilder

Whenever you hear the word sacrifice, you can be sure it is speaking of some form of death. When you thank God in the middle of difficult circumstances, the part of you that would like to complain must die as you choose the polar opposite, the life of faith and thanksgiving! When you choose this life, you prepare the way so God’s salvation can be brought to you! May your lifestyle be one of praise, thanks, and adoration to God. If you do, God’s salvation and provision will be released to your life, and that is…

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Arthur Wilder

Rom 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing, and perfect will.

Please keep this in mind; what you consistently look at is what you will become! The success of your future is determined by what dominates your thoughts! If you want to become like Christ, you must set our mind on Christ!

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Arthur Wilder