To say that God is worthy of your complete trust seems like an overused cliché that lacks the power to fully declare its validity. But how else can you say it? The issue is not whether he is worthy of our trust, but whether we are willing to let go of our control to trust him. God is more faithful and more worthy of our trust than our words can describe! God has brought you this far. Will you trust him to take you the rest of the way?

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Arthur Wilder

It would be to my benefit to not sidestep questions like these. The world is longing to not only hear but see a demonstration of the reality of God. I believe the quickest way to enter into the faith of God is to enter into the rest of God by faith! Trying to be good enough or powerful enough in our own strength is enough to make any person weary! The transformation of the world is a byproduct of intimacy with God. The only way we will change the world is to be transformed into his likeness ourselves! It all comes down to what we are filling ourselves with and what we believe.

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Arthur Wilder

Oh, how much he loves you. Yes, you and I have done wrong, but there is no sin too evil, no drug too high, no sex too perverted, no anger too hideous that the provision of the blood of Jesus has not already paid for. There is no such thing as going so far that God cannot reach you. That would make sin more powerful than the blood of Jesus – I don’t think so! Consider this powerful scripture.

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Arthur Wilder

Maybe as you read this, your heart, like mine, is being stirred. As I seek God this morning for grace to obey him in all things, I am praying for you. I pray that you will be empowered by the grace of God to submit to his divine plan and faithfully execute all that God has called you to do! May you be filled with faith, “confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus!” Philippians 1:6

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Arthur Wilder

I want my life to make a difference, so I must reign in my thoughts, dreams, and goals to give preeminence to what really matters! Knowing God and fulfilling his heart's desire must reign supreme in my life! The great evangelist Reinhard Bonnke coined this great statement, “Make the great commission your great ambition.”

This is the great commission Jesus gave us:

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Arthur Wilder

Wow! That spells it all out Unfortunately, many Christians don’t understand these basics of victorious living. We don’t understand that our most dominant thoughts (or what we think about the most) create their future. Because our thoughts are so critical to living the abundant life of heaven, the Word of God challenges us to set our mind on things above and to think only good things!

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Arthur Wilder