If you’ve ever felt like you are someone too insignificant for God to use, think again! I love it! Christmas is a reminder of how God uses those rejected and not deemed worthy to bring about his most significant works! I pray that you will let this thought sink deeply into your heart! I love the song written by Kim and DeWitt Jones that says, “If you can use anything Lord, you can use me. If you can use anything, Lord, you can use me. Take my hands, Lord, and my feet – touch my heart, Lord, speak through me. If you can use anything, Lord, you can use me.”

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Arthur Wilder

38 "I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered. "May it be to me as you have said." Then the angel left her

At the core of this story are these words, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you." The only thing you need for life-changing—world-changing power is for the Holy Spirit to come upon you! God longs to empower you to fulfill his great purpose on earth! Mary, when confronted by the angel, Gabriel said, "May it be to me as you have said." Wow!

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Arthur Wilder

God loves you and me so much that he was willing to bankrupt heaven to ensure our oneness with him. It is almost beyond belief that God loves this messed up world so much that he would give his only son! Astounding! When we consider all that God has done for us, one must declare that God is truly wonderful! He is amazing, full of wonder, and truly wonder-full!

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Arthur Wilder

At the time of Jesus' coming, the spirit of religiosity and self-righteousness kept the churchgoers from recognizing him. Stand that he was the answer to the woes of all of humanity. It is similar in our era. Many people know about Jesus, but only a few perceive him as the answer to their lives. They do not realize that he is everything they have ever wanted, everything they've ever needed! If only people understood the profoundness of what is available to them because of Jesus.

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Arthur Wilder

Oh, yes! Christmas is all about unity with the Creator of the universe! Christmas is about God being so passionate for you and me that he was willing to give his life so that we could be with him forever! You see, because of our sin, we were separated from God. Therefore, in his great love for us, God became sin for us so that in him, we could receive perfect standing with him and hence unity with him.

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Arthur Wilder

I promise you; you also were born for a particular purpose! No matter what your gifts or talents are, God wants to use all you are and possess to bring about his eternal purposes. This calling upon your life is very similar to John the Baptist even though you may not be a pastor, missionary, or church leader! God has given some the ability to make money for the purposes of his kingdom, and he has given others the ability to speak for his kingdom. Though all of us don’t have the same gifting, we all have the same purpose.

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Arthur Wilder