Your soul is your mind, will, and emotions. Therefore, Jesus instructed us to come to him to experience his life of freedom from hurt, shame, worry, fear, anxiety, and all stress. God intended for us to believe that he is working everything out for our good. Through the apostle Paul, he told us, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

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Arthur Wilder

Our greatest mistake is thinking that, in our own strength, we can live the obedient and righteous life God requires! Understand this; the obedience comes that God is looking for is simply the byproduct of receiving the undeserved love of God! Please grasp this next statement. One cannot operate in something they don’t possess! Receiving the love of God is a prerequisite to a life that displays the righteousness of God. Righteousness comes from love, and you can only give away what you possess. All of the laws of God are all wrapped up in the word, LOVE.

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Arthur Wilder

Based on these truths, it is imperative to believe in God’s beautiful plans for your future. What you believe about yourself and your future is where your life is headed! You must believe you can live a life of God’s success because, “If you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right.” Henry Ford. Jesus said, “To the person who believes, everything is possible.” Mk 9:23 Therefore, it is paramount to keep your mind on what God says about you. You are who God says you are, and you can do what God says you can do. God has created you to win! Go! Do your life purpose! You will succeed if you believe.

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Arthur Wilder

Jesus used a parable to help us to understand this very subject. The story he told was of a landowner who was going on a long journey. The man brought his servants together and gave them specific amounts of money called talents to manage. To the first servant, he gave five talents. To the second, he gave two talents, and to the third, he gave one talent. While the master was on his long journey, the first two servants put to work what they had been given and doubled their value. Because of how they used the little they had been given, they were promoted with blessing and greater responsibility. But this was not the case with the third servant. Take a look.

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Arthur Wilder

Many years ago, I was lying in bed with my wife, and we were encouraging each other regarding exercise and physical health when suddenly the Lord spoke to me. He said, “Thinking joyous, faith-filled, visionary thoughts is the most health-giving type of exercise in the world.” I have come to realize how true his words to me were. The quickest way to have a health-filled life is to have healthy thoughts! The scientific community is in full agreement. Even medical doctors are prescribing meditation exercises for optimum health.

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Arthur Wilder

People often believe God’s loving care for them is based upon their ability to do all the right things. They imagined that God’s faithful love only applied to them when they kept God’s commands perfectly. But I want you to know that God remains faithful even when we are unfaithful!

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Arthur Wilder