On that day, the unmistakable glory of God showed up on planet Earth! People were filled with awe and gave glory and honor to God who gives to men such authority. Oh, yes! When the Power of God shows up on the scene, people are blown away! I believe we are coming into the season of the end times where the world will not only be blown away by the power of God, but also by the love of God working through the people of God!

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Arthur Wilder

Sometimes people don’t receive from God because they don’t ask, or they ask with wrong motives. Apostle James also tells us that, “We have not because we ask not or we ask with wrong motives.” Ja 4:3 What would a wrong motive be? A wrong motive would be trying to get God to give me something from this world that would somehow make me feel like I have value and purpose. This is a wrong motive because value and purpose can only come from God himself.

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Arthur Wilder

It is so important to keep in mind that love comes from God! Our ability to love comes from knowing that we are loved! 1 John 4:19 says, “We love because he first loved us.” No one can genuinely operate in love until they have first received love from God! The passionate life of ALL is not something we can work up but rather an inspiration that wells up within us as we receive the incredible love that God has for us! I love the words of the prophet Hosea regarding this subject.

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Arthur Wilder

When something touches you deeply, tears, cries, or even shouting are inevitable. When we recognize how much God loves us and how he is our only real answer, passionately pouring out our hearts to him will be our greatest pleasure! The blood of Jesus has paid for your right standing with God and simple faith taps you into its power.

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Arthur Wilder

Though not fun, trials are necessary to bring us into real and genuine faith! When you go to the gym, perseverance is essential because for muscle to increase discomfort must increase. Likewise, if you’re going to make it while training in the weight room of life, you will be required to persevere and believe! It is possible that your training in the weight room of life is very difficult today.

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Arthur Wilder

Faith is what taps us into the grace of God. What an amazing life unfolds for the person who will believe God! All of us will face difficult things in life and without a doubt God allows them. Why? There is a process that is necessary for one to experience the fullness of what God has. Galatians 6:9 says, Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

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Arthur Wilder