Being an heir of God and co-heir with Jesus Christ means you are a treasured and valued family member and, along with Jesus, own the whole estate of God! Wow! Do you get it? You are royalty! Are you humble enough to receive that fact? Can you be childlike enough to let go and accept who God declares you to be?

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Arthur Wilder

This hidden, mysterious plan of God to graciously give you his endless treasures is now being made known in a deeper reality than ever before! Do you see it? God’s plan for you is so wonderful that it is without equal! You are destined to live in intimacy with the Creator of all things, sharing in all that he is and has! Oh, my dear friend, you are everything to God! You are his dream come true! He has an intricate plan in place for you that cannot be thwarted if you will just believe!

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Arthur Wilder

Christianity is the only religion of the world that does not base its “better hereafter” on a person doing enough good works to deserve it. According to the word of God, the only way to be made right with God and receive his eternal life is to believe! No personal effort or works of the flesh will ever accomplish the righteousness God requires! Only surrendering to and sincerely believing the good news of Christ gives you right standing with God! Faith alone gives you the power to live in the new nature that is free from the law and that abounds in God’s righteous ways!

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Arthur Wilder

The kind of life you live is a reflection of what you believe about yourself and God. Your righteous works or lack thereof do not determine how you feel about yourself, but rather how you think of yourself is what determines your righteous acts or the lack thereof. Your works are only a reflection of what you believe to be true about you. Some claim that they are free yet live in bondage to sin and the lustful desires of the sinful nature. We must understand that freedom is not doing whatever we feel like but rather the power to do what we know is best!

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Arthur Wilder

Rod Parsley once said, “Expectancy is the breeding ground for miracles.” I believe this is true! We must prepare our hearts in a spirit of faith if we are going to be a part of the great things God wants to do! I remember hearing TD Jakes say, “God propels those who are prepared for their purpose.” As those who bear the name of Jesus Christ, we need to be preparing for the exciting things that God has in store for us!

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Arthur Wilder

A person doesn’t go to the gym because it’s comfortable, they go because of its results. If you are convinced that your eternal life coach, the Holy Spirit, will only lead you along paths that are for your ultimate good, then you can proceed with great faith knowing your best is yet to come!

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Arthur Wilder