Body cleansing has become pretty popular these days, and rightly so. A purified body is a healthy body that can operate at peak performance. Our spiritual bodies are the same. When we obey the Word of God, God causes our spiritual body to be cleansed and enables us to live life with supernatural empowerment. The proof of the spiritually clean body is made known by the way we love our brothers and sisters in Christ. When our spiritual life is operating at its highest potential, our love towards others is sincere and from the heart.

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Arthur Wilder

One of the secrets of accessing the grace of God is humility. The most significant sign of humility is when one’s heart surrenders to the fact that God is all that he says he is and that what he has said is true! Often people use all their efforts to try to understand God instead of resting in who he said he is and what he said he will do. Therefore, we should give our most significant effort to enter the rest that Jesus provided! The Bible declares that Joshua was not able to bring the people of God into the place of God’s promised rest, and therefore, a special place of rest remains available for those who will believe!

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Arthur Wilder

God wants his peace to rule or literally, "umpire" your heart and mind in Christ! This means that peace will let you know what to allow in your life and what not to allow! It is by faith alone that we access this blessed place of peace with God. Apostle Paul said, "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 5:1

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Arthur Wilder

Abraham's faith empowered his obedience and caused his name to go down in history as the father of our faith and one of the most significant history makers! God wants to do the same for you! Because God does not want you to be responsible for hearing something very important and not obeying it, he will test you with smaller instructions to see if you will listen and obey.

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Arthur Wilder

You must know that God has the power to transform you to accomplish the purpose for your existence! You can indeed be changed into another person! Romans 12:2 tells us that we can be transformed by the renewing of our minds. God knows you and all that you're going through, and he has a way of taking the challenges in life and making them work out for your ultimate good!

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Arthur Wilder

When you know God is on your side, you know your best is yet to come! Every trial you face is for your increase, not for your demise! When I work out, my muscles get broken down through great discomfort, but I continue to go because of the desired results that follow. Don't allow the enemy to trick you into thinking that God doesn't know what you're going through and doesn't care! You can be sure, the trials you are facing today are securing the bright future of your tomorrow!

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Arthur Wilder