Those who experience religiosity and not true prayer will display a life of gossip, slander, and judgment. I have known people who spend a lot of time in prayer but are some of the most unloving people you will meet. Why? It is because their prayer is a religious work that is not based on resting in God’s righteousness and intimacy with him.

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Arthur Wilder

Peter wanted to make it very clear that it was not because of his godliness or personal power that the man was healed but rather because of faith in the name of Jesus. You can also be sure that God is not inspecting your godliness to determine whether he will do great things through you or not – he is looking for your faith! In the kingdom of God, it's all about the heart and what we believe!

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Arthur Wilder

The kingdom of God is the kingdom of love and intimacy with him. May God's kingdom be fully established in your heart today! He loves you! He is more than ready...are you? May you have the heart of King David when he said this:

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Ps 51:10

May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock, and my Redeemer. Psalms 19:14 (NIV)

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Arthur Wilder

God desires to give all that he is to you and that is why he longs to be close to you! Now is your time to allow the love of God to touch you in ways you’ve never dreamed possible! My dear friend, it is time for us as the body of Christ to let God strip us of those things that would hinder intimacy with him! There is nothing more wonderful in all of this world that a person can experience than…

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Arthur Wilder

It is essential for us, as the body of Christ, to be fully aware of the day in which we live! As we see end time prophesy unfolding before our very eyes, we must double down to be those who truly know God! The prophet Daniel, speaking of the last days said, For those who know their God will be strong and do great exploits. Dan 11:32

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Arthur Wilder

Since love is the fulfillment of all God's commands and love comes from God, then it's obvious to see that receiving God and his love will cause us to live in his love and, therefore, fulfill all of God’s righteous commands. Do you see it? It's not a matter of you being good enough, rather, it is about you receiving from the God who is good enough! This is what causes all of God's good-enough (His righteous commands) to become your way of life!

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Arthur Wilder