Do you have a story? Has the power of Jesus changed your life? Someone needs to hear your story! Your story is powerful and will be life-changing for the people that the Holy Spirit will lead you to! All those difficult things you’ve gone through are not for nothing – out of your mess will flow the beautiful message of Christ! Today there is someone you may run into who desperately needs to hear what Jesus has done in your life! Will you tell them?

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Arthur Wilder

If you are humble enough to receive, today can be the beginning of the life you’ve always wanted! Faith in these truths will cause you to live with your chin up and your head held high because you are not only royalty, but you are passionately loved! Yes! You are not just “in the family” and “the King’s kid.” You are an heir and a co-heir of God with Jesus Christ! WOW!!!

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Arthur Wilder

Think about it. When Jesus died on the cross, he paid for the sin of the whole world. So, here’s the question: Are you in this world? Yes, you are! Hence, deductive reasoning clearly establishes that you are, therefore, included in this wonderful provision of right standing with God because of the blood of Jesus. Wow! Can you receive that? Are you humble enough to accept that God’s love towards you is so great that he would grant you a perfect standing with him that you did not earn or deserve?

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Arthur Wilder

There is only one way to truly change the world – be a shining example of what change looks like! How true this is! I can only give away what I possess! I must be infected with the love of God myself before I will be able to infect somebody else with its greatness! Your goal should be to live so inundated with the love and grace of God that those who come in contact with you become infected by osmosis with the God you profess!

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Arthur Wilder

God is continually speaking to you so that he can communicate the great and mighty things that he has in store for you! The issue is not whether he is speaking but whether we are listening. Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice.” (Jn 10:27) With the hustle and bustle of life, it is easy to get so caught up in the natural that we miss what is most important – the spiritual. The best place to find God is in the secret place of quietness and trust. This truth is clearly portrayed in God’s interaction with Elijah in the book of First Kings.

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Arthur Wilder

It’s not just any kind of praise but praise and worship that comes from the heart! What if you gave everything? What if you worshipped with reckless abandonment? What if all that you are was entirely consumed by all HE is?

2 Sam 6:14 And David danced before the LORD with all his might, and David was girded with a linen ephod. So David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the LORD with shouting, and with the sound of the trumpet.

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Arthur Wilder